Interiors for connoisseurs
Despite that the total number of boutique hotels is exceeding twenty and is growing further, the market on which they are operating is blossoming. Within our report, Hotelarz is presenting this very captivating market segment for the clients which requires larger investment capital than with standard hotels and a definitely strong passion - and patience. We are observing where does the concept for hotel come from, how to set and furnish the houses. (p. 12)
Taking notes from EURO 2008
Based on Hotelarz estimations, year 2012 shall bring 22,5 thousand new beds in hotels. Since last year, Hotelarz is going against the mainstream opinion echoed by the media that "there will be a shortage [...]
Despite that the total number of boutique hotels is exceeding twenty and is growing further, the market on which they are operating is blossoming. Within our report, Hotelarz is presenting this very captivating market segment for the clients which requires larger investment capital than with standard hotels and a definitely strong passion - and patience. We are observing where does the concept for hotel come from, how to set and furnish the houses. (p. 12)
Taking notes from EURO 2008
Based on Hotelarz estimations, year 2012 shall bring 22,5 thousand new beds in hotels. Since last year, Hotelarz is going against the mainstream opinion echoed by the media that "there will be a shortage [...]
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