The "Middle Class" silhouette
Among some of the 1.6 thousand categorized hotels in Poland, the majority - i.e. 656 units - has the three stars standard. For which reason did the three stars hotels become so popular among investors? The answer might be related to economics: as for the current and future investment potential of hotel owners, the relation between invested capital - price per room and ROI seems appropriate there. (p.18)
Hotel Spa: trendy or mandatory?
Every hotel in Poland has its Spa. Not quite every? When browsing the hotel's websites, it is still a bit of bad luck to find a hotel not displaying it's Spa offer. Most o [...]
Among some of the 1.6 thousand categorized hotels in Poland, the majority - i.e. 656 units - has the three stars standard. For which reason did the three stars hotels become so popular among investors? The answer might be related to economics: as for the current and future investment potential of hotel owners, the relation between invested capital - price per room and ROI seems appropriate there. (p.18)
Hotel Spa: trendy or mandatory?
Every hotel in Poland has its Spa. Not quite every? When browsing the hotel's websites, it is still a bit of bad luck to find a hotel not displaying it's Spa offer. Most o [...]
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