Holidays inside
hotels or outside
Poland has about 1,3 thousand of holiday dwelling centers which represent 136 thousands beds, a capacity slightly above the number of beds in the categorized hotel industry. It has been registered more than 480 conference and leisure centers offering about 49 thousands beds. The number of tourists profiting from the above accomodation facilities is growing, especialy in the aspect of raising standards of fittings and quality of service. (p.20)
Who can be our guest? In view of the different groups
of clients, to whom accomodation establishments are addressing their services, the hotel branch is quite heterogeneous. Accomodation establishments are playing a different role as far as their location is concerned (conurbations, treat [...]
Poland has about 1,3 thousand of holiday dwelling centers which represent 136 thousands beds, a capacity slightly above the number of beds in the categorized hotel industry. It has been registered more than 480 conference and leisure centers offering about 49 thousands beds. The number of tourists profiting from the above accomodation facilities is growing, especialy in the aspect of raising standards of fittings and quality of service. (p.20)
Who can be our guest? In view of the different groups
of clients, to whom accomodation establishments are addressing their services, the hotel branch is quite heterogeneous. Accomodation establishments are playing a different role as far as their location is concerned (conurbations, treat [...]
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